Looking for a change? challenge?
job/training opportunity?
Venture Helpers are dedicated to helping you to take a new direction in your life and gain new skills or a job.
Venture Helpers Recruitment & Training (VHRT) provides opportunities for clients to successfully find employment or training courses. In particular, we aim to work with people within the local community who may require information, advice and guidance.
For businesses, VHRT is dedicated to providing businesses with highly skilled staff well-matched to their unique hiring needs, for both on-site or remote work.
For businesses, VHRT is dedicated to providing businesses with highly skilled staff well-matched to their unique hiring needs, for both on-site or remote work.
Don't miss out on FREE HELP
- Looking for a job?
- Want to access training in a specific sector?
- Need help creating a new or updating an existing CV?
- Want help completing a job application?
- Need interview tips?
- Thinking of starting your own business?
1:1 Information, Advice & Guidance appointments available
We want to help you make a difference!
Register now by clicking the button below